How can I grow taller with closed growth plates?

Currently, limb-lengthening surgery is the only universal way to safely permanently grow significantly taller after growth plate fusion. The safest and least painful limb-lengthening surgical procedures are performed by the Paley Institute in Florida. Limb-lengthening surgery at the Paley Institute costs $85,000 for three inches of added height, and $180,000 for five inches of added height. The entire process, after which you can walk normally, takes at least three months. There will be some post surgery pain, but anesthesia and PCA will be provided and these offer excellent pain control for two days, after which oral pain medication will be prescribed for two weeks (the pain after two weeks is negligible). Another surgery is required two years after the operation to remove the lengthening device, and this additional surgery costs $17,500.

Laying down for about eight hours makes you about one inch taller temporarily (the effect fades away after a few hours). You can test this yourself; measure yourself before sleeping at night and after waking up in the morning.

Eating 1500 milligrams of Glucosamine Sulphate can increase height up to 1 inch, according to anecdotal evidence and a scientific study.

Research shows that injecting a chemical called Relaxin into the body can permanently increase the heights of some adults by up to three inches.

In the future, stem cell based implants of active growth plates may be used to grow taller, as an experiment by Russian scientists was able to differentiate bone marrow cells into cartilage cells (the type of cells growth plates are made of).